Powerful contrasts, darkness and light. This tea features bright notes of dark fruit, balanced tannin and a well rounded mouthfeel. Intense yet elegant, this is an excellent breakfast or '5pm break' brew.
It requires absolutely no milk or citrus but it is powerful enough to blend with either.
Origin: Tanegashima (
30.7ºN 131.0ºE) is one of the Osumi Islands, on the southern part of Kagoshima Prefecture. Its volcanic soil receives above average rainfall and is home to a stunning diversity of birds.
(Very) Brief History of Japanese Black Tea:
In the Meiji and Taisho periods, Japan produced high-quality black tea for export to Western countries. A World War and the rise of the British Empire’s Eastern colonies as the preferred origin for black tea spelled disaster for Japan’s exports. Today, a very small percentage of Japanese tea is produced as ‘black’.

Cultivar: Kuritawase (栗田早生) is perhaps Tanegashima's most iconic cultivar; you don't see it often in other parts of Japan. It is known to produce very delicious tea, both green and black.