New harvest landing September 16, 2024, at our tea bar!!!!
Reminds us of: cinnamon buns. It's hard to beat this aroma and mouthfeel on a cool morning.
This is a black tea sibling of Zhang Wenhua's delicious Zisun Tea (紫笋茶). Zisun put Changxing on the 'tea map' since the Tang Dynasty, when Lu Yu (the 'Tea Saint') lived and worked in these hills. He used these local cultivars in the production of 'tribute tea coins'.
Zhang Wen Hua is a longtime, generous friend. She's a treasury of information regarding tea and other Chinese fine arts; having done well in business, she has devoted the last decade and a half to a most beautiful farm that is located right between two mountains that are Natural Reserves. Having visited this farm many times, we've seen them covered in mist every single morning.
Zhang is a devoted scholar of old tea traditions, but she is unafraid to experiment and create new ones.
Interesting note: you may find this tea reminiscent of High Mountain Black, from our late friend Zhan Zhifang's family. It is no coincidence. We owe our friendship with Zhang Wenhua to Zhan Zhifang. They were old friends and exchanged much knowledge.
Sub-cultivar: Ying Shuang (迎霜 - coarsely translated as 'welcome the frost') is traditionally used to create bright, very fresh green tea, with mild yet very pleasant astringency. This is the first time we try this as a black tea, and we're most pleased.
Black Tea |
Changxing, Zhejiang, China |
31ºN 119.8ºE |
cinnamon buns
Zhang Wenhua
Brewing Guidelines:
- Tea: 4g
- Water: 120ml @ 100ºC
- Time: 60" (multiple steeps)

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